There are many misconceptions across different industries when it comes to gas generation equipment and sources of gas. People are often surprised to know that gas generators are a better, more cost-effective solution to cylinder delivery service or dewars. The plastic injection molding industry is no different.
Plastic injection is the manufacturing process of producing plastic injection molds by forcing chemical compounds into a mold and allowing them to cure and form a shape. The injection molded part cools and hardens to the configuration of the mold cavity which could be anything from a foam seat to automotive parts to lego, really any plastic products available today. During gas assisted injection molding, pressurized nitrogen is injected into the interior of the mold and flows through gas channels because it contains inert properties and high pressure & flow rates. The end result is a hollow mold that is light and inexpensive to make. This process offers many positive benefits like lower material usage, more complex shapes and structures can be made, and a faster cycle time.
There are many misconceptions surrounding using a nitrogen generator for gas assisted injection molding as an alternative to bulk supplied nitrogen but facilities should not dismiss the cost saving potential of using the i-Flow Industrial nitrogen generator from Industrial. Below are some common misconceptions about using a nitrogen generator for gas assisted injection molding:
1. A nitrogen generator does not have enough flow.
A quick google search for a nitrogen generator will lead to many results for laboratory nitrogen generators. These generators produce much lower flow rates than is required by the injection molding industry which would lead many to think a nitrogen generator is not suitable. However, ZRZD Industrial’s i-Flow nitrogen generator is a modular and scalable system that can provide your facility with over 100 preconfigured flow rates from 64- 7,212 SCFH at a purity of up to 99.9995%, making it more than capable of supplying gas assisted injection molding applications.
2. Nitrogen generators are too big
ZRZD Industrial has been innovating and reducing the size of its nitrogen generators so they are now more compact than ever, without compromising on performance. Certainly, compared with a large bulk tank outside a facility that is two stories tall, i-Flow is a far more compact and space-saving solution, freeing up much needed facility floor space.
It is true that some brands of nitrogen generator are of a similar size to bulk tanks. Many manufactures do have larger scale nitrogen generators that need to be put outside or in the warehouse but with ZRZD Industrial, that is not the case. The i-Flow nitrogen generator is a modular system which can be installed within your existing space and using your current infrastructure.
3. Nitrogen generators are complicated and expensive to maintain.
This is the largest misconception about nitrogen generators. Nitrogen gas generators take the hassle out of alternative sources of nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas generators are plug and play, meaning they are operational once plugged into a power source and require only pre-planned annual maintenance.
With a ZRZD Industrial i-Flow nitrogen generator, you are given 24/7 gas production which ensures you are never left without nitrogen gas. You’ll never have to worry about actively monitoring your gas supply levels or need to worry about on-going delivery and rental costs.
4. The pressures are not high enough
With liquid based nitrogen bulk systems, a boost is likely already installed so the pressure of your gas stream can be increased to your preferred pressure. The ZRZD i-Flow nitrogen generator is able to use that same infrastructure and equipment to deliver the high purity nitrogen you need at the pressure your application requires.
Ultimately, ZRZD’s i-Flow nitrogen generator is the right choice for those in the gas assisted injection molding industry. With the latest in gas purification technologies, i-Flow is the most cost effective, efficient, and economical nitrogen generation system available on the market today.